A lil' Salsa No. 5

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Last night some labmates and I decided to take in Latino Salsa night at a local pub. Yes, scientists do dance. In fact we enjoy the opportunity to shake it. Just attend the last night of any scientific conference, it's a dance dance revolution on that dance floor. As a result, I've danced with various professors, including those that later examined me at my thesis defense. I guess I danced well enough to leave the impression that I do know a thing or two about the rhumba and E. coli. With this day n' age of TV dance competitions, traditional dances are gaining new life in the social scenes. People are now wanting not to just dance, but dance well. No more shaking hips aimlessly or jumping in a mosh pit. No, put on those heels ladies, don on a fedora hat gents... we're going to make beautiful music together.

Needless to say, we had a great time. In fact I was impressed with the XY stock on the dance floor as usually at these social gatherings, I'll dance with women more than men. Several men certainly knew how to move. As for myself, eh... I think I should take up some lessons. I remember my grandfather teaching me the waltz and polka at the tender age of 7, but for the salsa, not so lucky for the simple reason no 7 year old should shake their hips in that manner (yeah, call me old fashion).

Since we're on the salsa side, a lil' Gypsy Kings and my fave, "Djobi Djoba". You can't help but not to shake something listening to this!


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