Driving me crazy...

Thursday, July 30, 2009
This morning I indulged in my masochist side and once again took my car into the mechanic shop. I might have well shot myself in the foot to obtain the same effect. I don't enjoy servicing my car, but I do understand it's an necessary evil in car ownership. My car isn't really high maintenance. The usual oil/fluid change and replacement of normal parts (tires, breaks, belts) that get worn down over the car's lifespan. In fact, on whole, my current car has treated me well. Hell, any car would treat me better compared to my first car which was appropriately named, "mushroom mobile". So maybe my perspective is a lil' too bias, but that my readers is a story for another blog entry.

So yes, today I took my car into the shop for what you could characterize as preventive maintenance. I have a hunch that the water pump is due to be replaced and I would rather find out about it now, rather than on some prairie roadside awaiting for a towtruck. Thus, I willingly submitted my car for inspection. Right now, it's being poked and prodded. I'll assume that they will find something wrong with it as mechanic/service shops can ALWAYS find something wrong with your car.

But that isn't the focus of today's blog rant but rather the service shuttle I receive from the dealership. This is a standard service offered by all dealerships to their "valued customers". In fact I think they prefer the customers being offsite instead of pacing around the waiting room. The problem that irks me is the employed driver of these carpools. So far I have had the pleasure to know three shuttle drivers:

There's the Granny-"Let me tell you"-driver. This woman apparently has no qualms about her personal life being public knowledge. It's like tuning into a biannual drama show. Each episode is an update on her (still) estranged husband and her run away daughter with unplanned grandson. Details of her finances, phobias, and latest jewelry purchase help the character development of this driver. But sadly the plot always falls short.

Next we have "Let's chat" and "I know a better way to get there" guy. Now I've only lived in my current city for 6 years, and in agreement with Dawn, I do get lost on occasion. However I think I know the route to my lab pretty well. Seeing that I've spent literally 4 of the 6 years living at this workplace (the other 2 years are at my flat sleeping or on the ice playing hockey). But according to this guy, he knows the best route. Um, ok... you can take that street and stop 4 times more than going the other route. But I try to keep in mind that he holds the wheel and just enjoy the scenery.

Talking about enjoying the scenery. Yes, actually, I am a quiet rider with complete strangers. Since the day I got my driver's license, I've been behind the wheel daily. Not always to my wish. Just that it was one of the various exploits by my mom with her reasoning that since she chauffeured me for 16 years, it's my turn to chauffeur her. There's also the fact that I'm one of the very few people in my social group who owns a car. So that means, I'm the designated driver. Thus, being taxied, bused, or shuttled is a sincere treat to me and I enjoy the ride... in silence, to collect my thoughts, and discover places that I never knew existed because my eyes were on the road. However apparently I was too quiet for this driver who made the comment, "Are you mute too?"

Yeah, gasp. I gave him an sympathetic smile since he was clearly pathetic and said, "No, just a lot on my mind considering that this week I defend my PhD" (yeah, I got an oil change that week too). That comment shut him up and blessed silence ensued.

After THAT interesting service shuttle experience, you'd think that there's nothing that could top that ordeal. That is true... until this morning. I was met with "The New Guy" driver, whom I predict will quickly become "That Fired Guy". First impressions were horrid. This guy comes to me in the waiting room and announces that he's ready to take me to the wrong place. I corrected him with right location to my lab (which was clearly indicated on his clipboard) and he nearly had a tantrum as he scratched out the right location and rewrote the same location in its place. I thought that he was possibly dyslexic, which cast doubt on the remainder of this car ride. Quoting myself, "I'm doomed".

A couple more misadventures occurred before we exited the parking lot, but this blog is getting lengthy. I will comment that I do not like traffic circles myself. But this guy wanted to avoid them like the plague. Unfortunately the shortest route to the lab would involve going through one traffic circle in which the guy overly complained and whined continuously as we maneuvered through this intersection. On top of that and him being brake-happy, the last straw was him blatantly neglecting my overly polite direction which of course resulted him to miss the essential turn off and forced us to go through yet another "cursed" traffic circle. I can accept that people won't be familiar with the area that my lab is located. But he refused to follow my directions and as punishment for him (and for ALL of us it would seem) another traffic circle to conquer. I'm probably being mean, maybe he's just having a bad day. But honestly, if you are nervous about driving through traffic circles during non-rush hours, you should find another day job other than driving service shuttles.

Edit: results in from the prodding which will cost me $800. Ouchie. Maybe I should just ramp up the experience and have a private limo pick me up. Servicing your car shouldn't have to be THIS painful. Woe is well.


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