No joke!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

So then, a lil' MIA but I'm back for updates.

News! News! News! After much thought and afterthought and afterafterthought, I decided to accept a post-doc position in the current lab I've been working in for the past 8 months. Yep, starting today I'm no longer a "tech" but have the privilege title of post doctoral fellow. Sounds snappy? Well the name is probably the only prestige thing. Funny thing about working in the sciences, you have to remind everyone who isn't in the science field that we do this for interest, not money. After 14 years of post 2ndary education, you'd think I'd land a high paid job. Nope, a PDF is not even an actual job. It's a trainee position. That's right. I'm a trainee, just like you see in the supermarket cashiers, the lil' labels under the name tag. Supposedly those labels are for your info to excuse any mistakes they so happen to make a mistake OR that they flip through the rolodex trying to find what's the number key for kumquats. So why a PDF? What's the point? It's for the long term career plans. If you want to do something with a PhD, you should have a few PDF years on the resume. It's just the way things work.

Aside from switching job titles, today marked the official move of the newest post-docs (moi and another PDF) into newly designated space for the vaccine project we're working on. It's not brand new lab space, but rather a former lab that recently retired. For the past month I've been actively cleaning out this old lab to make way for our project. It's been interesting with the things we've found during this cleanup. There's a few vials of unidentifiable things. Being an old microbiology lab, you never know truly if it's safe to chuck... or autoclave it.

We're sharing the lab space with a teaching lab course which has some interesting equipment. This photo is one example, it's kinda creepy. If you're wondering what they are, it's light source boxes for microscopes. Still, I dunno... creepy.

It's Easter weekend, I'm heading back to my old stomping grounds. Enjoy the weekend folks!


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