A room (or townhouse) with a view...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Before June flies by like May did, I decided to stop staring at unpacked boxes and stare at the blank blogging screen. The move "eated" up the month of May and then some. I'm sitting in my new living still surrounded by boxes still. But in 72h things should be (or at least look) as if I'm settled in. Reason for the rush is that my mother will soon visit, soon followed by my father with soon-to-be wife #4 (or #3 depending on who's counting), then a good friend from my hometown who is leaving on a fabulous 2 year adventure in Lao. I think the move is following the Field of Dreams karma: if you build it, they will come.

My new place has been interesting so far. The windows and backyard overlook a large park/school yard field, in which I am a firm believer that everyone who owns a dog in the neighbourhood uses the grass as nature's lanteen (the dogs not the owners). Other musings have included an interesting stone/drunk/psycho fellow with his holy grail backpack. Needless to say, the blinds went up soon after that display. I also have an overly friendly 4 year old neighbour that insists on helping me with groceries, hockey gear, or simply opening my doors. I'm not sure whether this is a sign of her boredom or more so a sign that I'm aging.

Some personal wishes are coming true with having this new abode. One is having a hammock. I've wanted to own space for a hammock since my elementary years. If you're never had the chance to spend some time in a hammock, I suggest you put that on your "bucket list" pronto. The hammock has been ordered and will arrive next week. Just in time for my mom to marvel it as well.

Another personal wish is having a wood burning fireplace. I so love the smell of wood fire. Though they are a pain to keep clean, I'm looking forward to a cold snowy winter night in front of the crackling wood. Of course having a nice XY to share it would be the next step, but one thing at a time. Maybe the karma includes "if you have a townhouse, he will come".

Hammock for summer, fireplace for winter, I think I'm set for all Canadian seasons.

Music music music... life needs music. I've been listening a lot to Lady Gaga of late, like everyone else it seems. The TV sensation "Glee" devoted a whole episode to Gaga music. Let's "just dance" folks.


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