Putting the "P" in Procrastination

Sunday, March 29, 2009
It's Sunday night... 11PM, and I've done squat all. So what I do? Write in the blog! Natch.

I've been busily about with hockey. 8 games in 10 days. I still have one to go tomorrow with the possibility that I play again two days later (if we win). My body's doing not too bad considering the assult. Being target practise has its ulginess. Saturday I got a puck welt on the right thigh and the bruise is about the size of my hand now. I bruise easily thanks to inheriting a blood disorder from my dad's side. It's not too problematic, just bleed/bruise more readily than the normal joe.

I spoiled myself on Friday and bought a Wii Fit. I've been eyeing it for a long time. So far it's pretty good. I suck at many of the yoga poses, but I'm sure with upkeep I'll be able to master them eventually. The thing I enjoy most is the boxing segments. What can I say? It's a good stress relief. I miss though working on a bag. Beating the bag gives a lil more satisfaction somehow. I think that that's on my list of things when I move to a bigger place: have a workout room with a punching bag.

Something new this week: interview! I'm looking for temp/contract work for a year in the area before launching into a post-doc. I was granted an interview in a virology lab as a lab assistant. Basically the position is to help upkeep the lab running smoothly. It's not really a research job, though I'll ask if it's possible to have a mini project to work on or at least help collaborate with another lab member. I'm a lil' worried that I'm not qualified enough as I'm a bacteriologist primarily. I did take ONE virology course but that was almost 10 years ago. I'm reading some papers from this specific lab and so far it sounds pretty neat. Hopefully I can convince the powers that might be that I'm well suited for this job and try my hand at virology. Wish me luck!

Before I go, as promised, here's a tidbit of what's in my ear. I've been a fan of Jason Mraz for now over a year. I like his jazz style. My fave song still is "I'm Yours". Enjoy!


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