Can't win them all...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Well that rec ball hockey season sucked. Totally got pwned in the semi-finals (5-9). And I'll take personal responsibility for 4 of those goals. So no crappy Tee this year (sniffs).

Today is Tuesday. And for the past few months I've been treated to a good meal with friends. They call it "thesis-bail-out-Tuesdays". Writing thesis means becoming antisocial plus your diet thrives on things that take only 5 minutes to prepare. Of late I've been actually good, many fresh veggies and "ironed" meats to upkeep my energy levels. Dawn and Mike though always treat me on Tuesdays with new dishes. Tonight though a request from Dawn: Nanc's nachos. I didn't think much of them before but apparently my nachos are to die for. Who knew I had a keen idea about cheese and chips? So prepped the meat and cheese last night after hockey and will throw in the hot spices later tonight over at their flat.

Thesis writing accomplished a bit today. Snaps for me. But fuck! These things take FOREVER to write. I just fiddled with graphs and tables today because I felt like it.

Reading more about the Pox virus for the interview tomorrow. Holy crap is that a sweet virus! I get a lot of weird looks talking about nasty bacteria and viruses like they are the best thing since slice bread. Seriously though, microbes are awesome. It has always amazed me that something so tiny, so unicellular can take down a complex multi-cellular organism like me. The coolest thing regarding Pox viruses now days is that we're using them to treat cancer. It's still in its infancy stages, but gene therapy with viruses will be a reality. I'm excited at the opportunity to work with them, learn the ropes. Who knows, maybe I'll become a virologist instead. Wish me luck for that interview tomorrow!

In my ear... I'll admit that I'm a HUGE retro fan. I'm always listening to some great 80s tune. Today on the playlist, a canuck! Bryan Adams. Most probably know him from that sappy love ballad "Everything I do (I do it for you)" from the flick Kev Costner's Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. However that's not my fave tracks from Bryan. One with the best memories that I caught in my ear today is "Summer of '69". You play this at a pub anywhere, the ones who are hollering the lyrics are true canucks.


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