Hello Darkness, my old friend....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
So the interview went... I can't say it was one of the best. I think the wear of the thesis writing was showing. The questions were expected, no surprises. So it's out of my hands. They said I should get a call in a few days. I know that I'm overqualified in many areas, but some aspects of the job I've never trained for. That can be a major dark blotch on the chances of getting the job. But I think I hit home the message that I'll learn anything. That's one thing I'm hoping to get the job. I can expand my technical skills. If things don't pan out, I'm going to take it that it wasn't meant to be.

Back in the lab. Sequencing and digests. Hoo-hah. Next week I start the final stages of my experiments. And oh yeah, finish the thesis.

In my ear... more Simon & Garfunkel, "The Sound of Silence". I've renewed my interest listening to the folk duo because "The Sound of Silence" was a prominent track in the latest graphic novel flick "The Watchmen".

It's a hobby of mine, graphic novels. Yes, they ARE comic books. But my personal collection is comprised of graphic novels. What's the difference? Comic books are weekly releases. Graphic novels are complete story arcs. I know, "ooooh ahhh, same difference there Nanc". Remember though, I'm a bona fide geek. Of course I read mainstreams like Superman, Batman, and X-men. But I also have a love for indie graphic novels. Especially ones as grounding breaking as Alan Moore's "The Watchmen". Other lesser known series I follow are "Y: The Last Man" (which recently wrapped up its series) and the ongoing "Fables". I'll talk about these at a later date.

Anyways, "The Sound of Silence"... it has been always been a heartfelt song for me on so many levels. Paul once mentioned that it's about society's failure to communicate. And being deaf I can identify personally with the problems of communication failure. Of course you might think, "how the fuck does she listen to music then?" Being deaf doesn't mean totally deaf. Just an extent of it. When I awake in the morning, it's silent and remains that way until I decide to rejoin the hearing world with putting aids in. Some weekends I go the entire time deaf. It might sound frightning, but honestly there's a peace within silence, expecially the sound of silence. Also being deaf, lets me appreciate music more. I enjoy all genres, but tend to gravitate towards rock with a good drum beat. People forget that music is all about vibrations. Feeling those vibes when unaided is an awesome experience.

Alrighty... off to meetings then a lil thesis writing tonight. Tally ho.


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