Bruised, battered, and beaten

Monday, April 27, 2009
There's a geek quote I was reminded of not too long ago (I thank Levar Burton for tweeting it): Somedays you get the bear, somedays the bear gets you. So hockey weekend over, 4 games played and not one game won. Collectively I let in 23 goals. Yeah... ouch. The last game was good though, we lost 0-1. Considering 80% of the team was playing their 4th game in 3 days, we were pretty amazed with ourselves. But beaten, indeed.

Bruised and battered, oh yes. My thighs are now spotted again with slapshot welts. None of them really serious, they'll fade in a week. I have some bruises that are still faintly seen even after 7 months. So I'm lucky there. However, there's something I need to make my fellow team mates aware: 80% of my bruises are from warmup! Seriously! The latest example is a bad bruise on my right wrist. Part of warmup is firing squad shots, where my team lines up in a semi-circle around the net and take shots at me. Most part is fine, however there's often a few wild ones that smack me in the face (with helmet on, of course) or catch a piece of unprotected Nanc such as my wrist. Owwwie. It still stings and the bruise is just starting to form. So if any of my team mates follow this blog, my message to you: be a lil more gentle!

It's midnight right now, and I've decided that I'm not going to sleep until the tables are finished for the next chapter of this thesis, so looooong night still ahead. Must get back at it.

In my ear while I peck away making pretty thesis tables, a Cdn artist, Feist. I liken her to the newest Alanis. Her fresh songs remind me of Alanis Morissette back in the 90s. Just good tunes. This one has a haunting beat/tone to it despite being titled "Honey, honey".

Typitty type... typitty type...


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