It's 1 AM, do YOU know where your scientist is?

Thursday, April 9, 2009
... in the lab natch.

So far this week it's been nothing but disappointment research wise. I'm so desperately trying to do final experiments, but the hitch is that in order to DO the experiments, you need the constructed bacterial strains to work with. Most people believe everyday science is running experiments and interpeting data. At times we DO get to do that, however about 80% of what we do is mainly preparations for the experiment. It's one this to see what a deletion of a gene does to the bacteria... it's an entirely different thing to MAKE the deletion in the certain gene to begin with.

So no progress with that. My boss kindly reminds me everyday that she wants more chapters to read. I kindly want to tell her that working in the lab trying to finish "oh so essential" experiments isn't helping on the writing front. So right now, a no-win situation. Ehhh... this will end soon. I try my best to minimize my time in the lab. Be efficient. But alas, it's 1AM and I've still have yet to have my supper.

(cues stomach growls)

Something popped up unexpectedly... Easter! I had no idea Friday was Good Friday. Normally I head back to my stomping grounds for a visit, but seeing that research SNFU, my family will understand. I might head over to my friend's on Sunday for a potluck dinner.

(me hears my cat's stomach growling... 60-some blocks away)

Let's see... music, at least there's music here. Lord knows how much more batty I'd go without music. Oooh.... Annie was just on. I was able to see her and Sting perform a few years back on the Sacred Love Tour (the pic shown is from the actual night!). If you EVER have a chance to see Annie Lennox sing, by all means go forth and buy thou tickets. She opened for Sting and frankly was the best part of the show (sorry Sting, but Annie didn't need all those pyro techs to raise the roof). I can still hear the harmonica wonky tonk on stage. Annie, you're truly a Music Diva. Mad Beaker award to thee!


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