
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
So now you know that I'm a fan of graphic novels. I'll put in my two-cents worth on some series from time to time, but today I wanted to divert your attention to the sidebar of this blog with a list of webcomics that I find overly amusing. They are listed in no particular order, though truth be told PhD comics is probably my fave as it describes my life so perfectly. But today I'll give the Mad Beaker nod to xkcd. It's written by a physicist graduate, so many of the strips have a physic reference/joke. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to get most of the meaning, but you DO need to have a good level of sarcasm geek wit to understand the jokes. I first found this webcomic through a gaming forum I follow that posted this:

Now if you haven't participated or even followed an online forum, ANY online forum... well, I'm not sure exactly if that's a feather in your cap or not. Anyways, point being forum posting gets ugly often due to trolls and those lil' preteens who believe what they say is god-given and need to correct even syntax if applicable. The above comic sold me to bookmark xkcd and I've been a fan ever since.

The webcomic has been going on for years, so there's many to view. Take your time and truth be told, the more you become involved with web societies and geek things (science, gaming, random pondering), the MORE funny these comics will be. I'll also mention that there's a 2-for-1 joke with every comic posted. I won't tell you how to find the secondary joke. It's something specially hidden for inquiring minds. Here's a few more of my faves:

If you don't get this, you shouldn't be reading this blog.

This one is for CHAR!

This a more recent one but part of an ongoing inside joke:

Yesterday was the Stones, so I'll keep the classic rock buzz going with Queen. Here's one that folks over in Y!PP will understand coming from me. Yes this is also a nod to Dae and Zsu (even Hypnos with those pink bunny slippers), we are always wanting to "Break Free". (smirks)


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