Does this mean I need to buy a Stetson?

Monday, June 1, 2009
So five days in the hometown, it was a pretty jammed packed weekend. It was mostly a blurr of eating food. Tons. I just moved from plate to plate over the past few days. Maybe a lot of folks thought I was malnourished while writing the thesis or something. So on that elliptical tomorrow. And bonus there's a ball hockey game on Tuesday too.

After so much unknowns with job, school, etc... it's now official. I become an Albertan today. I start the process with getting my driver's license. In three months, I'll be able to get the Alberta Health Card (for my non-Cdn readers, yeah, Canada has medicare, but you still need be living in a province for awhile before you can transfer your healthcare card eventhough you're still Cdn... see, out govt can be annoying too!). After that, not much to change. Next year I get my license plates. My Greek mom gave me a perfect idea. Since I have a new shiny Saskatchewan plate from the fiasco last month, I'll affix that plate to my front bumper while sporting the Albertan license plate on the back. That should confuse a few cops at least. Hee hee. But yeah... an Albertan. Thank goodness this is only temporary (sure, since I said that, now I'll be stuck here for the next 40 years!).

A Mad Beaker award to Dawn and Mike for taking care of my cat. I always dislike loading my cat onto someone while I go away more than 3 days. Just giving others the burden of cat-sitting makes me feel guilty. But apparently my cat behaved and they enjoyed the time in my flat. I hearby give thee full future rights to cat sit!

Since I'm now an Albertan, might as well throw in the traditional moosic (ew, bad pun bad pun). Cows with guns is an oldie, but I figured it's probably the most appropriate thing... being a resident in a beef province n' all. Y'all come back now ya here.


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