Money for something...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Last blog I was weighing the choices between two job offers: good project/unsure work environment vs. ok project/good work environment. The interview of option A left a bitter aftertaste in my mouth. Just soooo many red flags with the project and people. This made option B much more likable before the interview, but I was hesitant still as to what project was available. After two hours of chatting with the head advisor about option B, the projects (yes, plural) were upgraded from "ok" to "wow, this is really cool". Also, it was probably the most honest interview I've ever done. We were frank, we were direct, and we joked. I know that some folks like to keep things professional with their boss, but honestly, I'd rather have a good professional AND personal rapport with my advisor. The former is essential as their reference letter follows you for the rest of your life. The latter helps those long long hours in the lab. Really, would you want to work in any environment that the head boss doesn't even respect your input/dedication? I'm not interested in my boss being a close friend (that is kinda creepy), but I do want mutual respect and overall someone that I don't feel I need to avoid because of the odd-chance that he/she might bite my head off for no apparent reason.

So bottom line: I'm employed! With options even! I start in July in the new lab (which is just a few doors down the hall) as a casual employee until the end of August. This period is a trial time to learn the lab, the projects, and ultimately decide whether I'll be a lab tech for a year or sign-on as a post-doc for 2 years. It's nice having options within a job itself.

Other ramblings, I'm hearing groans from the majority of my Californian friends. So surprisingly (cough, cough - sarcasm, sarcasm) the top court upheld the vote decision on proposition 8. I know that it's against the Christian teaching, but honestly, I believe equal rights for all. The world isn't going to end just because lil' Timmy or Sally has two moms or two dads. But I guess the residents of California were only ready to take the step forward with electing a black president. Apparently electing a black president AND letting gays marry - well someone has to draw the line SOMEWHERE! (the link is a nod to Char and our inside jokes) The good news, I guess, is that all who were married before this final outcome are able remain in wed-lock. Just new same-sex couples aren't allowed to marry in California. Yeah, right, sure, make perfect sense. Only in America...

Other things, personal note, I'm heading back to my stomping grounds this weekend. The trip is on a somewhat somber note as the real reason for the trip is to attend a memorial service for a close family friend. But overall, I'm glad to have the time spend it with family.

Since I have a job a lil' retro and Dire Straits for all.


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