The road less traveled?

Monday, May 25, 2009
So some interesting developments in the past 72 hours: two interviews this week, both in science, both in microbiology, both in my current city. Sounds perfect right? Well, let's not put the cart before the donkey. They are interviews, not offers, so there's still that hurdle. But it's given me much food for thought (oooh I'm cliche galore today). One is with a lab familiar to me, I like the advisor, I like the lab, and the research is totally what I'm trained for, but it's not *exactly* what I want to do. The other, I'm not so sure of the advisor, I'm not so sure of the lab, the area is totally brand new to me (which can be both good and bad things: good being that I learn new techniques, bad being I'm totally clueless of what I'm doing in the first 6 months), but it's a post-doc position and I'm kinda keen on learning the ropes in this field.

I've worked in 4 labs so far in my lifetime and experienced the good, the bad, and the very ugly aspects. No lab is a nirvana, though I swear in some labs I see sunshine, rainbows, pastoral fields, and lil' bunny rabbits hopping happily about, it's like nothing goes wrong! Then again, I might just shoot myself more readily in a happy-go lucky lab - too much sweetness can be just as deadly. But on the flip side, some labs can be pure hell.

As a scientist, you're supposed to go for the project, as that is the number one driving force of your work. I don't begrudge any of my projects, each in its own I have found rewarding. But I've found that projects alone doesn't make your job blissful. The work environment (the people, the place, the funding) are essential ingredients as well.

So my choices are: good project/unsure work environment vs. ok project/good work environment. That's my first assessment going into these interviews. That outlook might change by Wednesday when everything's said n' done. Plus again the little issue whether the offers are there. So stay tuned... more to come on this soon.

Other things, I had a great weekend. Supper with a good friend on Friday. A brilliant bellydance recital on Saturday (followed by drunken singing in an Irish pub), and ball hockey on Sunday with aftermath drinks with the team. Busy-bee I was! Bigger woot as I did no work. I'm kinda getting used to this idea of weekends! Later this week I'm off to my stomping grounds for a few days. It'll be nice to spend time with the family and see some old friends. To start the week, some Tracy Chapman for everyone. She's on my short list of people who I want to see perform in person. "Mountain O' Things" has always been one of my top favourites of hers. Laterz folks.


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