Man in the Mirror

Thursday, June 25, 2009
This week is a tough week to be a celeb. First Ed McMahon earlier this week. I think "Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny" was one of the earliest catch phrases embedded in my youth. Now I can forsee the heavens having a late night show with the duo together again. This morning I awoke to the news of Farrah Fawcett losing her battle to cancer. But that news was not even a few hours old when the world learns that Michael Jackson died from a heart attack.

The King of Pop is dead... long live the King of Pop

Personally, I've always enjoyed the music but not the person. So many scandals and overblown cosmetics changes made me lose respect for the superstar. But his music and dance moves changed the music industry and that will be his legacy. Hmmmm, I think I'm going to listen to the Thriller album later.

This week's something sciencey Sunday is early as this weekend I'm busy watching my oldest friend get hitched AND my youngest Greek niece get baptize. Busy weekend it shall be. However not to fear, the brain juices were flowing and I managed to sneak in another SSS installment. This week: debunking a colourful myth.


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