Friday, April 4, 2008
Hmmm... apparently I'm not the only self-proclaimed Mad Scientist out there. For sake of personal interest, I did a google search on "mad scientist blog". Lo 'n behold there is an apparent population of us that could raise a kid (brilliant Hillary Clinton reference there). Should I be shocked? Hell no, it's internet age. Pet rocks probably even have blogs of their own too (I'm now secretly suspicious that blogging is what my cat does during the day I'm away).

It's Friday, so that means I need to find something FAB to spend my time. However seeing that my past days have been spent on prepping for my FINAL seminar (which went very well, my boss was pleasantly surprised that I could prep one without input), I should do bench work over the weekend; however! it's spring... cleaning. Hmm, research or cleaning. Tough call.

8 h laterz...

Well my body decided for me: my lungs are on fire and can barely breathe. So that means a weekend in bed napping with the cat. Tis fate not *so* bad...


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