Dealing with deadlines... kinda

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's funny how some sentences just stick in your head. Technically this thesis is due this Friday, but I'm thinking that no one will see the final version until Monday. Two more days can mean all the difference in the world!

While I'm in the midst of this madness, I am remembering a line told from a fellow high school student at my International Baccalaureate graduation. She was giving one of her valedictorian speech (she gave various, this girl had like a 99.89% average) and what stuck me was that from this seemingly perfect academic, she showed that she was still human afterall. She was talking about the course load, the long nights, the gut wrenching exams, and then, "we learned about meeting deadlines... kinda." Of course it was meant as a joke, but that line has always stayed with me. When you're working on a deadline, you feel utterly alone and that the entire weight of the world is on your shoulders. Not meeting a deadline is a horrid feeling. But since that speech, that one line, I realized that even 99.89% avg students also can't meet all deadlines (though it's probably only 0.11% of the time with this girl).

In my ear, an old one (and often looked over) from Savage Garden, "Violet". Why I like it? The catchy beat for starters. And like the voices inside my head, there's "the disco inside your head". It may not be always "disco", but there's definitely a beat in my brain.

Tick... tick... tick...

Alright, off to write something brill this hour... kinda.


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