Finish line in sight!

Monday, May 4, 2009
Alrighty folks, this is the week! Thesis revisions aren't going smoothly as I'd like and there's a lil minor detail that I'm going to need to fetch a signature out of province to get this thing off the ground. You know when it's truly time to finish your degree when your committee members start to retire or run away. Which is this case for me. One is on sabbatical and won't be back for the defense (no hard feelings, she definitely deserves this break!). The other one has migrated to greener pastures and moved to his retirement home. But because he's a great guy (really, he's been a wonderful committee advisor), he's coming back in June JUST for my defense. Awwww... how sweet. But that still doesn't solve the small dilemma on how I'm supposed to reach a secluded town in rural BC. Oh well, I've been able to pull off other miracles in the past...

Hockey still sucks for me. I can't get a break and my team is 0-3 so far in the season. Today, the team we faced were literally bitches. It's not often that I get angry. In fact as a goalie you have to maintain your cool the most. But today I almost hauled off and hit someone - like, manslaughter slash. Sure there's a crowd in my crease, I deal with it. But if I've trapped the ball and the whistle is blown, there's no legitimate excuse to either A) slash my legs, B) slash my head, C) charge and run into me well after the tweet, or D) push me further down in hopes that the ball will come loose. Today I had all four things happen with 10 minutes of play. My D-wings commented that smoke was coming from my nostrils. After a nice "chat" with the ref and a major penalty against them, the other team didn't touch me. Tsk tsk, don't they know the goalie shouldn't be touched... ESPECIALLY a goalie who is writing a thesis? That's like whacking a hornet's nest in an isolation room with a hungry tiger pacing about.

In my ear, (don't worry Char, no moar Ting Tings!) the incredible Brit artist, Joan Armatrading. I love her guitar chords, bittersweet voice, and slow love lyrics. Countless other female singers over the years have done renditions of most of her songs. Here's my ultimate fave, "Weakness in Me".

Back to sorting through data lists for me...


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